Monday, February 20, 2012

Tony and Liz's Travel Adventure Planner (Part 2)

In the last post I gave you an idea of where our travels will take us.  They are quite exhaustive and only take in half of the time we are away.  In this section I'll outline the next part of of adventure starting where we left off ie. Morocca to Barcelona.
Map of our journey from Barcelona to Rome
Here we intend spending time enjoying the sights of southern Spain before we head into France again heading for Perpignon, Marseille, Monaco, then through to Florence (Italy) and Rome.

Taking trains along the way, we head down to Naples to see the wonders of Vesuvius and Pompeii where, if allowed, we want to stand in the amphitheatre imaging Pink Floyd 'Live at Pompeii' in the 70's playing on sunset. How eerie would that be. We just have to make sure our IPods are charged and volume turned up full blast for the effect.

Allowing for some time in the south of Italy, Sorrento and Capri will be our next stops.  Travelling back up to Rome thereafter our next stop along the way is Venice.  We have to keep in mind that we leave Europe for SE Asia on the 18th September. Hard target when there will be so many places to see, things to do and just live in awe of other countries.

Look out for the next instalment in the coming days.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Welcome to our Adventure Planner (Part 1)

Greetings Family, Friends and interested bloggers,

Tony and I welcome you to our Blog site and have decided to have our biggest adventure ever in our 30 something years together.  The adventure - to take a loooonnnnggg World Trip.  This journey will take us to each continent and our travel plans begin on 25th March 2012 and returning to Australia on the 1st November, 2012.  That's 221 days of non-stop adventure.

Along the way we would like to share our experiences, photos and updated blogs to keep you informed. Hopefully our writings will be as exciting as the places we will visit. 

Just to give you an insight into our plans we fly across to the USA hitting Los Angeles on the same day we leave Oz then before anything else we travel by bus to Las Vegas to renew of wedding vows in one of those little tacky wedding chapels - how exciting.  The question is - which Elvis song do we choose to accompany the ceremony?  Our USA plans include San Diego, north to San Franscisco, Seattle, heading over the north of the US to Chicago, down to Memphis, New Orleans the over to Miami in time to head to Lima, Peru on 24th April, 2012

From here  we embark on a trip to Machu Pichu for 3 weeks, part trekking, part train trip but either way we hope we don't experience altitude sickness while up there.  We also take in the Amazon rainforest and culinary delights such as Llama steaks, and dare I say it - guinea pig (a local delicacy).  I'm sure it will be all worth it, besides we went through the pain of getting the Yellow Fever injection just so we could visit this country, and hopefully allow us to re-enter Australia at the end of the year.

Back to Miami, we head north to Washington, New York, Boston, returning to NYC and flying from JFK airport on 17th June heading to Frankfurt, in transit to Paris .  After enjoying the sites in and around the French capitol, we embark on some high speed Eurail travel throughout Europe which includes the rest of France, Spain and Portugal.  Just coincidentally we happen to be in Pamploma for the "Running of the Bulls" on the 7th of the 7th.  Just coincidentally, I will be running in the opposite direction and getting to the arena before the bulls do !!

From Malaga in southern Spain, its then over to Morocco for a 15 day exotic adventure to Casablanca, Marakesh (and in between) flying back to Barcelona by the 3rd August.  From this point on Eurail will be our preferred mode of travel taking us across to Italy and then ferry to Greece.

Make sure you sign up as a  "Follower" of this Blog to keep informed of the latest installment of our travel plans from Greece back to northern Europe. 

Currently under development is another Blog  (called something like - "Tony's Beer Blog" )which aims to review all the beers he plans to drink along the way.  We are open to suggestions for the name.  Look forward to your comments on this one. 

Postscript: Sorry - someone beat me to the name "Tony's Beer Blog" is already taken - must be a lot of Tony's who like their beer.