Monday, February 20, 2012

Tony and Liz's Travel Adventure Planner (Part 2)

In the last post I gave you an idea of where our travels will take us.  They are quite exhaustive and only take in half of the time we are away.  In this section I'll outline the next part of of adventure starting where we left off ie. Morocca to Barcelona.
Map of our journey from Barcelona to Rome
Here we intend spending time enjoying the sights of southern Spain before we head into France again heading for Perpignon, Marseille, Monaco, then through to Florence (Italy) and Rome.

Taking trains along the way, we head down to Naples to see the wonders of Vesuvius and Pompeii where, if allowed, we want to stand in the amphitheatre imaging Pink Floyd 'Live at Pompeii' in the 70's playing on sunset. How eerie would that be. We just have to make sure our IPods are charged and volume turned up full blast for the effect.

Allowing for some time in the south of Italy, Sorrento and Capri will be our next stops.  Travelling back up to Rome thereafter our next stop along the way is Venice.  We have to keep in mind that we leave Europe for SE Asia on the 18th September. Hard target when there will be so many places to see, things to do and just live in awe of other countries.

Look out for the next instalment in the coming days.

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