Monday, June 25, 2012

USA: Atlantic City, New Jersey

Atlantic City from Philadelphia is about a 100km and should take just over an hour except this one took around 2 hours. Our bus was full of punters ready to hit the Pokies (Slots), Card tables and my favourite, Roulette.  The bus we caught was part full fare paying customers (Me and Tony -$12 each) and those with Casino Courtesy Bus programs riding interstate (Pennsylvania to New Jersey) to gamble.  In fact, we were probably the only Full Fares on the bus. 

The Boardwalk, Atlantic City
The majority were in our age group and it was really quite hilarious because being a Courtesy bus it stopped a couple of times to pick up more people.  You could imagine feeling on the bus because some folks were edging to get to the Casinos and they were in a HURRY!.  Sitting beside me was an older Afro American lady, and she was a real hoot, talked all the way about anything and everything and had never, ever met an Australian before.  Parts of the conversation, in a broad Southern accent went something like this – “I don’t go to NO  Casino much, but the ones you shoud go to are Tropicana, Trump, Ballys, Atlantic Palace, Caesars” ( – and the rest that she rattled off - I lost count)…Which Casino are you going to?”, ….“Don’t go to NO Showboat – I never win there”….. “ Ohhh Child, you’ve come all the way from Australia to play Roulette??,… "Don't they have casinos there?".... “Isn’t Australia the place they have those funny animals?” ...“Do you see them all the time?”  I had to control myself from laughing, but many times in our travels we found many US folks only know of TV ie Nicole Kidman, Hugh Jackman, Paul Hogan (apparently they still show those Shrimp on the BarB ads).  The conversation helped pass the time, in fact she was really helpful in giving us information about how to get to our destination – The Showboat.  For someone who doesn’t go to the Casinos much she knew a lot about the place.  She was a sweetie.

We caught the little run-a-round bus in Atlantic City – called the ‘Jitney’, they fit up to about 15 people and run 24 hours a day, great service, inexpensive, and fun to ride in.  They have stops at all the major casinos for convenience.  There is some history with these little buses, the word Jitney was a slang term for a Dime. At one time the fares were going to be raised and there was an almightly uproar from the public, tourists and punters.  However, the Tourism Information Bureau stepped in and subsidised the service and they continue today..  Great stuff!

Atlantic City Jitney
After checking in and settling in at Showboat we decided to venture out to the Boardwalk, look at the Atlantic Ocean and get our bearings.  Within 2 minutes out the door we found The Worship Surf Bar, part of the House of Blues Casino & Bar at Showboat.  Time for a couple of coldies.  We sat at the bar, met Madeline the Irish barmaid and a couple of locals.  Afterwards two (2) young nervous blokes then came up and sat at the bar across from us, ordered a couple of drinks, when Madeline asked for their ID.  All checked out.  We started talking to them, they were from Philadelphia, celebrating a birthday, apparently.  In the US, drinking age is 21.  So in conversation I asked who’s birthday it was having seen that their IDs were checked  & OK.  After a couple of drinks, and their tongues loosened up one of them said his 21st birthday was in February, NEXT February.  So much for the proper ID check.  We had to laugh. 

I still hadn’t got to the Roulette tables instead we walked up and down the Boardwalk – it was just crazy, but a really good feel to it – and it had nothing to do with the alcohol we had consumed either.  But at night the place is like a wonderland of neon lights and people everywhere enjoying the balmy beach and casino scene.  Of course there were the Jersey Shore type souvenirs, you know the Snooky clothing, Guido style haircuts, fluoro accessories and Atlantic City T-shirts.  It is also a place here they have BIG shows, with BIG guests and we’d just missed Beyonce’s. 
Wall of Fame
 Also coming up in August was Jimmy Buffet and the Coral Reefer Band.  The one and same Jimmy Buffet who fell off the stage during his Australian tour last year. Too many reefers I guess!!! 

Another crazy thing about Atlantic city is on the Boardwalk they have these guys who push around “Royal Rolling Chairs”, for a price.  Yes, PUSH, no motor!  It is almost like slave labour, they push these things around day and night.  And in wet weather they have pull down clear plastic coverings. 
Royal Rolling Chairs

On our second day in AC we hit the Boardwalk again venturing further down the Boardwalk, in all we estimated it goes for about 5 kms, we just couldn’t see the end of it.  We also walked into some of the casinos and just looked in awe.  This whole place is Casino Central and there is no shortage to choose from. 

Beach, Boardwalk and Casinos,
Atlantic City

Part of the reason I’ve been hesitant to play Roulette in the US is that the wheel is different to those in Oz.  For example we have the French Roulette with only 1 x (0) zero on the wheel.  In the US there is a single AND Double Zero….and the numbers are in a different sequence to those I’m used to playing at home.  They also have $1.00 bets unlike in Oz where the minimum is $2.50. 

Here goes – the first night at Showboat – with a game card in hand I managed to work out a little system and won $200.  The second night I ventured into the Trump Taj Mahal and collected $400 from Donald Trump.  [Donald, if you keep letting the punters win at your casino – You’re fired!! ] .

This was a funny experience too because at the table were a number of “Guidos” (Description: Jersey Shore types, of Italian origin, broad almost New York accents, get pissed and party a lot and are generally pumped up).  When they heard me asking the croupier to lay some bets for me they started saying to each other – “Listen to that lady, isn’t the accent cool.”  “Where do you come from?” – Like I was an Alien or something -Take me to your Leader!!  They couldn’t stop laughing when I asked what their accents were – they were locals of course, and I knew it and it got them going!  I guess it changed my stereotypical view of the Jersey Shore crowd, because we all had a good laugh together playing roulette for a couple of hours, and a good win to boot.

During our discovery walks we went to a DFO type shopping centre called Tangers Outlet, but without the same discounts, all high end clothing.  There were also the Dollar shops on every other second corner.  As we usually do, we also ventured into the backstreets away from the glitter and gloss of the Boardwalk and casinos – such a vast contrast and just minutes away. 

We had a laugh because we thwarted a bicycle theft.  We were walking towards 3 young blokes trying pull a red bike away from the post, then lifing it up to check the lock.  They then spotted us and tried to make out like they were only looking at it, saying “who would want to ride around on some Dumb Arse Red bike and draw attention to themselves” while they are walking across the road away from us.  Durrhhh !!  You perhaps! 

We also ventured into Revel, the newest casino in AC.  Just beautiful, but after seeing one casino after another it all became a blur after a while, much like in Las Vegas.  Same, same but different.  I didn’t see anyone winning big money, but maybe they kept quiet about it. 

All in all, we really enjoyed Atlantic and would make a return visit if we had the opportunity. 

At this point I want to say Hello to Keith the croupier in Showboat, pity I couldn’t get a Total Rewards Card but thanks for your help.  Cheers. 

Next stop……. Boston !

Liz and Tony

TJ cooling off in the Atlantic Ocean
The Boardwalk, Atlantic City


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  2. I am browsing stories on a adventures beceause I am also considering an Atlantic City travel this coming summer. Thanks for posting. It helped me.

    1. Atlantic City was just amazing, friendly and laid-back. We wish we could have spent more time there as part of our world adventure. Couldn't believe when we read about the damage to the boardwalk & beach due to Typhoon Sandy. One thing we recall back in June was sand being pumped onto the beach to replenish the erosion caused in a previous storm - guess that was all lost again but we are sure that the city will bounce back quickly.

      We hope our Blog will help you promote your business in Atlantic City and getting visitors back to the region.
