Thursday, May 24, 2012

PERU: Machu Picchu

On the morning of our trek up to Machu Picchu we got a wake up call at 4.30am, had a quick breakfast before we went to the bus station to catch the first available bus.  Turning the corner, there was already at least 100 people waiting in line before us.  By 5.30am we were sitting on the bus ready for the 30 minute journey up the winding mountain dirt road to the park entrance.  At this point there was already about 200 people waiting in line before we arrived.  Sunrise was still at least half an hour away and we knew it would be spectacular if we could reach the summit by that time, and we wouldn't be dissappointed.

We have been left speechless and breathless due to the sheer beauty and serenity of the views and the climb up the narrow paths.  People were sitting, some bent over trying to gasp for air due to the altitude and the pain they were enduring from the climb. Our hearts went out to those of our group who were just making their way through the Sun Gate over the other side of the valley, after 3 days and on their last stretch of the Inca Traill.   

When we reached the best viewing point, the sun rose over the mountain across the valley, there seemed to be this unwritten rule that there be absolute silence.  Not a word from the crowds that had gathered to see one of the New 7  Wonders of the World. 
Just amazing and the pictures tell the story!! 

Peru Rail trip from Ollantaytambo
to Machu Picchu Village
Machu Picchu Peublo
View from the Train of snow capped Andes
Inca Trail Camp
Start of the Inca Trail
Cloud Forest and Land slides
TJ admiring the view of Machu Picchu
The 5.30 crowd at the Entrance gate
Before Dawn at Machu Picchu
Peruvian Hairless dog
Grupas de las Tres Portadas
View towards Waynapicchu

TJ and others enjoying the view

Looking up towards The Sungate
Postcard Picture Perfect
Sunrise over the Andes
View to the Guardhouse
Path to Inca Bridge

View over Main Square
View from Guardhouse to Wayanpicchu

Llama mother and baby taking a stroll

View from the Guard House (Restored with Roof)

Overlooking the steep terraces
The Temples Zone
Plaza Principal
Views looking down into the valley
East Agricultual Terraces
Temple of the Three windows
Ceremonial Rock
 (Carved Granite shaped as the background mountains)

Another couple of relics that we saw at Machu Picchu that haven't been spotted for a long time......

Relic of "Let's get Physical" days

MULLET of Machu (the best we have seen)

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